We carry out assignments for service personnel, government agencies, contractors and other companies that need work boats for missions in the archipelago of Frøya. Our company will transport you safely and efficiently with high speed passenger boats between the islands around Frøya and Hitra. We can also transport you both ways Trondheim, Værnes Airport, Ørland or other ports as required. Join us on island hopping, sea rafting, company outings, pub- to-pub events, eagle safari , lighthouse visit , deep-sea fishing , scallop diving etc. With our two new and modern passenger boats - anything is possible. We tailor trips to suit your needs either you have some hours, a day or several days to spend in our spectacular surroundings!
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Visit the old fishing villages in the isles, and experience the culture and nature. Mausundvær, Sula, Bogøyvær and the isles in Froan - they are all like small paradises in the ocean! Island hopping combines adventure and dining in an unforgettable way. Pub-to-pub trips in the isles are also popular, as we have some amazing coastal pubs out here. Let us organize a trip that meets your needs and desires, and explore the archipelago of Frøya.
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A charming house built in 1929, with immediate proximity to the sea and nice outdoor areas. Spend some days in these quiet and beautiful surroundings - enjoy and relax. Great conditions for fishing, diving, kayaking, island hopping and other experiences in the archipelago. Access to jacuzzi, steam bath, pier, boat and fishing equipment. The main house and guesthouse provides a total of 16-18 beds. Our company is based here on Bogøya, and Supen Pub is open during the summer.
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We have a fisherman's paradise, both for those who will stay inshore and for those who wants to experience deep-sea fishing. Strict regulations over several decades have protected the stocks against over fishing, so there is plenty of fish out here. Join us on a fishing trip, while you at the same time get to admire the majestic sea eagles flying around us.
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Our company operate charter and organize boat trips for both companies and private people. We organize customized ​​programs for each group. We do also assist service-personnel, government agencies and contractors that need boats for missions in the islands. We welcome everyone who needs a ride around the islands!

Wold KystTransport AS

Vi utfører oppdrag for servicepersonell, offentlige etater, forskningsmiljøer, teknologibedrifter, havbruksnæringen, entreprenører og andre firmaer som trenger arbeidsbåter for oppdrag i øyene. Vi har til enhver tid passasjerbåter tilgjengelig, sommer som vinter, slik at vi skal kunne møte de fleste behov når det gjelder skyss og båtopplevelser her ute. Vi tilbyr overnatting, opplevelsesturer og arrangementer for firmaer og private med skreddersydde opplegg for den enkelte gruppe. 

Tove og Axel

Axel H. Kristoff Wold og Tove Merete Vedal i Wold KystTransport AS, familiebedriften som har base på Bogøya (Øyrekka utenfor Frøya) og i Trondheim. 

Ta kontakt med oss om du har noen spørsmål - vi hjelper deg gjerne! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Axel H. Kristoff Wold: 9060 8150 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Båttransport og andre oppdrag på Hitra, Frøya og Trondheim

Wold KystTransport AS ble opprettet i 2009 med bestilling på en ny båt for å kunne ta unna småskala transport og taxi-kjøring med båt mellom øyene. Det ble raskt til at vi bestilte enda to båter for å imøtekomme det økende behovet. Fra 2009 og fram til 2018 hadde vi døgnkontinuerlig beredskap 365 dager i året for St Olavs hospital.

Rederi, båter, båtførere har alle sertifikater, passasjersertifikater, utdanning, kurs etc som kreves for å drive passasjertransport.
Vi ønsker å kunne tilby alle som har behov for skyss eller turopplegg her ute i øyriket et tilbud. Velkommen skal dere være!

Havmerda 1

Ute med to båter til Salmars nye og grensesprengende havmerde ved Sørburøya i Frohavet, Ocean Farm 1

På jobb for Trønderenergi, nå Tensio

På oppdrag i Trondheimsfjorden for Maritime Robotics.

Wold Kysttransport har hatt pasientkjøring til/fra fastlandet for St. Olavs hospital i åtte år.



Contact us

E-mail: post@woldkysttransport.no

Tel: +47 9060 8150

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